
[ESH2013] Thomas Unger教授谈欧洲高血压指南更新及ARB类药物(如缬沙坦)的降压及靶器官保护作用

作者:  T.Unger   日期:2013/6/13 10:20:56



  <International Circulation>: Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) have been hailed as a milestone of cardiovascular drugs in the 1990s; its safety and effectiveness are confirmed by clinical research and practice. Please talk about in the new European hypertension guidelines published this year, are there any extended indications of ARB?

  《国际循环》:血管紧张素受体拮抗剂(angiotension receptor blockers, ARB)被誉为20世纪90年代心血管药物的里程碑。它的安全性和有效性被临床研究和实践所证实。请您介绍新的欧洲高血压指南中,是否有ARB的扩展适应证?

  Prof. Unger: Historically, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) had a difficult time because when they came to market, angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) had already been on the international market for 15 years. The inhibitors had already covered the market, and had good clinical results. And, there was good reason to use them.

  Unger教授:历史上,血管紧张素受体抑制剂(ARB)曾经有段艰难的时间,因为当它们上市时,血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, ACEI)已经在上市了15年。ACEI已经占领了市场,并且有很好的临床效果。所以有很好的理由使用ACEI。

  Now, ARB was a new class of drugs that went into the same system, and had the same aim: to reduces angiotensin. So the drug makers had a hard time proving that the ARB were equally active and equally beneficial to the ACE inhibitors, both in terms of blood pressure protection and organ protection, as well as reducing morbidity.


  Meanwhile, I think they have succeeded. They have shown their effectiveness in many studies, including renal studies, such as studies using valsartan, eprosartan and candesartan. These studies have shown that the ARBs are renal protective, even better and in some respects more consistent than the ACE inhibitors. But this could also be due to the fact that renal problems have been more concentrated with the ARB than with ACE inhibitors.


  With the heart, it is a bit more difficult. Concerning myocardial infarction, there was always a bit of controversy. ACE inhibitors were considered better than the ARB in terms of myocardial infarction. I think this is not a controversy anymore. They seem to be equally active, and equally protective in reducing secondary infarctions, and also helpful in preventive first line treatment.


  And, mind you, we have just sent a manuscript to a journal from a study of ACE intolerant patients with high risk. We have shown that the hypertensive patients in this group really profited from telmisartan treatment beyond those patients receiving the best treatments at the time without telmisartan. These patients receiving telmisartan were shown to have less myocardial infarction.


  With heart failure, it also was a little problem. Are the ARB equally active as the ACE inhibitors? Yes, I think they are. And we have the studies to show this, including studies that focused on valsartan and candesartan.


  Reducing new onsets of diabetes is one of the strengths of the ARB over the ACE inhibitors. Studies have shown consistently that ARB reduces new onsets of diabetes by about 20 to 25 percent, which is quite good. And of course, ARB performing much better than old drugs like diuretics, which may even increase the numbers of diabetic patients.


  So this is really the advantage of ARB. And also, the lack of side effects -- placebo-likes side effects in a number of patients. This is something that makes ARBs much better than ACE inhibitors, especially in Asian women. Up to 40 percent of Asians experience a cough after using ACE inhibitors. That has led to some of the Asian countries prohibiting ACE inhibitors from entering the market.


  So when you do a summary of the two classes of drugs, the ACE inhibitors and the ARB, we find that both are beneficial. The ACE inhibitors came first; this was their greatest advantage, but the ARB have some advantages in terms of fewer side effects, with less diabetics and other advantages.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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